Uneven Skin Texture Newport Beach
Uneven skin texture is usually caused by an excess of dead skin cells that have built up on the surface of the skin. This can make your skin feel rough or bumpy to the touch while also giving your skin a dull appearance. Uneven skin texture can also be a result of dehydration and aging. As skin ages, dead skin cells build up and make your skin rougher and coarser. Uneven skin texture leaves skin looking older and duller because it doesn’t reflect light as well. Revive Regenerative Medical Group offers patients non-invasive treatments that can help improve the texture and tone of your skin.

For this condition, we offer treatments, including:
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What Our Patients Are Saying
Read about our patients experiences and find out why we are the top-rated skin care clinic in the Newport Beach area.

Skin is plump and glowing!
I just did the first of 3 masks in the box and wow! My skin is plump and glowing. I hope it lasts a while but plan to do another before my sons wedding in a month.

Fantastic results
I tried this fantastic treatment and the results in my face last more than a week.. .. I did not have any secondary reacción on my face…. I’m going to get one more

I can see a huge difference after just one treatment ! I can't wait to see my results after 3 !